The Plastics
This was written a few years ago! Recently someone posted in Doll Talk on Facebook asking how people who have started a business making dolls and doll clothing like the experience. If they made any new friends or noticed people treat them differently..ect. Lots of people post that they have had a blast and love all their new friends, and so on. I have to say for me this whole Blythe doll thing has been more disappointing and odd then anything else. I liked this hobby more before I had an art page on Facebook, and joined countless groups. Up until now I kept quiet thinking if I posted negative post it would hurt my sales in my shop or reflect poorly on my art page, but you know what, I really don't care anymore! Everything about being in the hobby has pretty much sucked since day one. I actually stumbled upon Blythe dolls when I was reading an art book about big eyed artwork. Inside the book were paintings mostly based on these Blythe dolls. Being a self -taught artist I ...