This card was a bit of a challenge, only 75 more to go! When you start reading about the cards you really start to fall in love with them. Each meaning for each card is so meaningful and personal. I am really enjoying making these. Daily Tarot Girl says The High Priestess card is one of the more mystifying cards of the Major Arcana, full of secrets and mysteries as she beckons you to explore the unknown depths of your soul. Basically what I took away from the meaning of the card is you need to essentially chillout and reflect. And that is exactly what my girl is doing while she smokes her hookah. When I first thought of making this deck I knew I'd need a theme. I looked all over the internet and noticed not one person has ever done a Blythe themed deck. So I am so happy to be the first to do one. I hope to be able to have a Blythe doll in most of the cards but some will just be teddy bears or something else. I really didn't know how I would do at being ...