
 ''We crucify ourselves between two thieves: regret for yesterday and fear of tomorrow. ''
  Quote by Fulton Oursler

We all have regrets right, some more then others,. I think for me my regrets have changed over the years. I think you know your true regrets when they are the ones that have stayed with you since day one. You've never waivered from them. 

 I read an article the other day and it said the number one thing people regret in life once they become old is not the things they did, but rather the things they didn't do. I think when I get old that will be my number one regret, that and perhaps a few others mixed in for good measure, lol Traveling and seeing more of the world was always something I wanted to do more of. And I don't mean places within the United States but rather out of the country. I would love to see the glow worm caves in New Zealand or to travel to Madagascar! As I get older it becomes more apparent that in less I plan on hitting the lottery and winning some absurd amount of money that dream isn't going to happen. 

I only traveled out of the country once in my life. When my father moved back to Budapest I went to visit him one summer. I was the envy of all my friends, and some family even. A whole summer in Europe! I was going to see everything and study art . My relationship with my dad has always been a bit up and down you could say. So I was also going there to try and rebuild our relationship as father and daughter as well. I spent months packing for this trip. I bought a whole new wardrobe. I packed gifts and books and art supplies. I was ready. Oh, and I even had special stationary made that had big fat rabbits with elves riding on them . I remember my suitcase I covered it with an enormous American Flag against the suggestions of friends and family who told me Americans aren't liked that much around the world. I didn't care I did it anyway.  The flight was I believe was 14 hrs long maybe more, I kind of forget. Was freaking long that's all I remember.  I  also remember getting cursed out by some European dude because I accidentally sat in his seat in first class.  I had never flown and didn't know the seats are numbered on the tickets. I just remember boarding the plane and it was like midnight or some ridiculous hour and I sat in one of the first seats I saw getting on. I thought all the seats were the same on the plane. I remember thinking damn these are nice seats 😆🤣🤣 Some guy came up to me and was like I think your in my seat. I said I don't think so. And he was like let me see the ticket.. He looked and then lost it and was like yeah that my F*cking seat, you are all the way in the back!. The stewardess came over and helped me find my seat which was pretty far back. I had a window seat which was cool until  the guy seated next to me passed out and I couldn't wake him up, and I needed to go to the bathroom!. 
I had to climb over him to get to the bathroom. I just didn't want him waking up while I was climbing over him. It would have looked really bad. I just remember thinking great first the dude in first class and now this.  

After the plane landed in Budapest I was freaking out with joy. I couldn't believe I was in Europe! My mind was freaking blown! I was greeted by my dad and his at the time new girlfriend who didn't speak a word of English! I didn't speak a word of  Hungarian so we were even, lol  My dad had told me lots of people spoke English there. I later came to realize that was a bit of an exaggeration to put it politely!.

 We drove by car to where he and his girlfriend lived. They lived in a bungalow on this wealthy ladies property. The lady that rented them the bungalow was a rich widow. She had an enormous house on this gated in property that had a garden and three bungalows. She didn't speak English either. 🤣  The bungalow they lived in was small but so freaking cute. My room had these huge windows that hand to God were the size of a New York City Doors. And there were two of them!, that looked out into the property with the garden in the distance. The lady that own the property had these huge dogs that freaked me out and a one legged caretaker who looked after the garden and the property. He was very old and you guessed it, didn't speak English! Since I didn't speak the language I was permanently chaperoned by my dad. Which suck a little because of his age he wasn't very active, but whatever bitch, I was in Europe! After about a week I became very home sick. I felt so out of my element. I couldn't go anywhere by myself.  The only one I could speak to over there was my  dad cause he seemed like the only one who spoke English ,lol. We went to a  flea market one day and I was at a table. I made a remark about something and the guy who the table belonged to was like hey you speak English?. I swear, I almost cried!. I started talking to him he was from I think Germany and spoke like five languages. 

Though  the country was beautiful  I don't think I appreciated the historical nature and  architecture of the buildings and streets in the country that were so old . We saw a lot of cool things but not being able to go off by myself was tiresome. I remember we went to the Danube river one day and it was so hot I remarked to my dad why don't people sell bottled water along the it. I said in New York they sell stuff everywhere especially in areas where there are high volumes of tourist. My dad reminded me for the hundredth time your not in America anymore, lol .

Later that day I got separated from him and went into this pizza shop and thought I can order a soda by myself I don't need him to translate.  I walked up to the counter and said I want a soda. The man looked at me confused. I said coke, I want a coke. The man said something in Hungarian and stood there looking at me. I went out side feeling defeated looking for my dad. Final I saw him and sent him in to get the soda. It's when it hit me I couldn't even buy a  freaking soda without him. It taught me a whole new appreciation for people who come over here to this country like my dad did and not speak the language. It's scary to be surrounded day in a day out by unfamiliar words, sights and sounds.

 I'm sad to say I didn't last the whole summer. I was too overwhelmed. I also regret leaving on bad terms with my dad. We kept butting heads the whole time I was there though. It made me realize that no matter where you are if your with the wrong person or people you won't have much fun .You can be in the greatest place on earth and it won't mater if your company isn't right.


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