Your Ex is Your Ex for a reason.
Last year I had a whole series of blogs that were about pet peeves I have.
If I hadn't deleted them I could've added this post to collection.
Yesterday my ex boyfriend text me and is complaining about his life,.. again!
He hates his job and feels like he's wasting his life because his art career, or should I say lack of it, isn't taking off the way he feels it should at this point in his life. Thus not allowing him to survive off his art sales solely.. yada, yada, yada.
I should mention he's 36 and still living at home with his parents. Was working full time up until a month ago when he decided to cut his shifts in half. And now only works 3 days a week, so he can have more time and less money to devote to this failing art career of his!. As a result of all those actions he is now broke all the time and depressed. So at this point he's texting me for sympathy I assume. And you know what, I am a very empathic person, but I told him I thought getting rid of half his shifts was a mistake and maybe he should go take a few more days back at his job.
So no surprise that sparked a series of nasty text messages back and forth between us. Him clamoring on and on about how he doesn't need those hours back, but rather feels he should open another website for his art!. OMG The man has a million websites as is. I told him ''No you don't need another website if the first 50 aren't helping chances are this one won't either.''
At this point he's telling me that this is why our relationship didn't work out. Because I can never just agree with him and can never just be sympathetic!. First off there's a lot of reasons our relationship didn't work out. His immature attitude and inability to not try and hookup with ever hot girl on and off the internet was a few of them!. Anyway, he goes on to say I don't/ never believed in him or his dreams. I told him dreams are great and that I'm not telling him to throw his dreams away. But lets face it, he's 36 yrs old and still living with his parents. At some point he's gonna wake up a middle age man and have nothing to show for it because life has passed him by because he was too busy chasing these dreams and shutting everything else out. That wasn't received well at all. Now I was being mouthy and with every word I let out am crushing his dreams and depressing him further.
You know where my pet peeve comes in throughout all of this! Well besides all of it!. Why is it with men I am always called mouthy or a ball busting feminist bitch!. My ex husband use to tell me all the time I should have been a cross examining attorney because he could never win an argument with me. But in my own defense that's just how I was raised by my dad!. Nothing was ever just handed to us. We had to debate him for every little thing he considered a luxury. He would say he was preparing us for the real world and that I would need to fight for everything because nothing would be handed to me. So in the end I learned how to use my words to win fights or make a case. Somewhere along the way men equate this with being a mouthy woman. And for that I'm always told to soften my tone. When me and my ex boyfriend would fight I was told shut up I sound like a man or one of those dykey feminist that are always complaining about everything.
Funny thing is I never really considered myself a feminist and use to be insulted by being referred to as one. I'm from a generation where feminism was often associated with being/ looking or acting butch. But I think that's because I mostly only saw it from the male prospective. Now a days you have all these super hot half naked chicks marching and protesting topless. Which I'm not 100% sure of why being topless is necessary but it does make the face of feminism look less masculine and draw more attention I guess. Which not to do a thing on it, but that's another pet peeve of mine. So many feel they have to take their tops off to protest?!I feel like you are sexually objectifying yourself as a lady when you do that. But again, that's just my opinion. Do what makes you happy. And I guess if speaking my mind and having an opinion that differs from yours makes me a mouthy chick so be it!.
If I hadn't deleted them I could've added this post to collection.
Yesterday my ex boyfriend text me and is complaining about his life,.. again!
He hates his job and feels like he's wasting his life because his art career, or should I say lack of it, isn't taking off the way he feels it should at this point in his life. Thus not allowing him to survive off his art sales solely.. yada, yada, yada.
I should mention he's 36 and still living at home with his parents. Was working full time up until a month ago when he decided to cut his shifts in half. And now only works 3 days a week, so he can have more time and less money to devote to this failing art career of his!. As a result of all those actions he is now broke all the time and depressed. So at this point he's texting me for sympathy I assume. And you know what, I am a very empathic person, but I told him I thought getting rid of half his shifts was a mistake and maybe he should go take a few more days back at his job.
So no surprise that sparked a series of nasty text messages back and forth between us. Him clamoring on and on about how he doesn't need those hours back, but rather feels he should open another website for his art!. OMG The man has a million websites as is. I told him ''No you don't need another website if the first 50 aren't helping chances are this one won't either.''
At this point he's telling me that this is why our relationship didn't work out. Because I can never just agree with him and can never just be sympathetic!. First off there's a lot of reasons our relationship didn't work out. His immature attitude and inability to not try and hookup with ever hot girl on and off the internet was a few of them!. Anyway, he goes on to say I don't/ never believed in him or his dreams. I told him dreams are great and that I'm not telling him to throw his dreams away. But lets face it, he's 36 yrs old and still living with his parents. At some point he's gonna wake up a middle age man and have nothing to show for it because life has passed him by because he was too busy chasing these dreams and shutting everything else out. That wasn't received well at all. Now I was being mouthy and with every word I let out am crushing his dreams and depressing him further.
You know where my pet peeve comes in throughout all of this! Well besides all of it!. Why is it with men I am always called mouthy or a ball busting feminist bitch!. My ex husband use to tell me all the time I should have been a cross examining attorney because he could never win an argument with me. But in my own defense that's just how I was raised by my dad!. Nothing was ever just handed to us. We had to debate him for every little thing he considered a luxury. He would say he was preparing us for the real world and that I would need to fight for everything because nothing would be handed to me. So in the end I learned how to use my words to win fights or make a case. Somewhere along the way men equate this with being a mouthy woman. And for that I'm always told to soften my tone. When me and my ex boyfriend would fight I was told shut up I sound like a man or one of those dykey feminist that are always complaining about everything.
Funny thing is I never really considered myself a feminist and use to be insulted by being referred to as one. I'm from a generation where feminism was often associated with being/ looking or acting butch. But I think that's because I mostly only saw it from the male prospective. Now a days you have all these super hot half naked chicks marching and protesting topless. Which I'm not 100% sure of why being topless is necessary but it does make the face of feminism look less masculine and draw more attention I guess. Which not to do a thing on it, but that's another pet peeve of mine. So many feel they have to take their tops off to protest?!I feel like you are sexually objectifying yourself as a lady when you do that. But again, that's just my opinion. Do what makes you happy. And I guess if speaking my mind and having an opinion that differs from yours makes me a mouthy chick so be it!.
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